Prevent Colab from disconnecting

On Chrome, open console via More tools -> Developer Tools

function keepAwake(){
  document.querySelector("#comments > span").click();
setInterval(keepAwake, 5000);

Hide code cell

Simply add a title to the Code cell (e.g. #@title cell title) or

  1. Right-click on the area on the left of the cell (below the “Play” button) and choose “Add a form”
  2. Enter a title for the cell like #@title cell title
  3. Right-click again in the same place and choose “Form > Hide code”

Collapsible markdown


#### hidden code block in a text cell! ```python print("hello world!") ```

Useful magic commands

Command Description
%%bash Make the accept shell commands instead of python code
%%clear Clear cell output
%debug Debug last execution that failed with an Exception
%%writefile [-a] filename Write the cell content of into file (e.g. %%writefile If -a/--append is provided then the content of the cell will be appended to the file.
%%file filename alias for %%writefile.