Spark 3.0 Major Changes for Spark SQL

Spark 3.0 was long waited (more than a year and half since the release of Spark 2.4), finally 3.0.0 was released early June 2020. This release brought a lot of new features and enchacements, check the release notes for a detailed list of new features - link. The following highlights improvements that concerns Spark SQL.

New EXPLAIN format

SPARK-27395 reformats the query execution plans for better readability.

To show this new feautre in aciton, we will use Titanic dataset from Kaggle link.

val opts = Map("delimiter"->",", "header"->"true", "inferSchema"->"true")
val df ="titanic.csv")

The following is a simple query that we will use to try the query explainer.

val query = "SELECT Cabin, Embarked, Max(Fare) FROM titanic WHERE Age < 20 GROUP BY Cabin, Embarked HAVING max(Fare) > 10"

The old query plan looks like the following, as you can see it is very complex even for a relatively simple query.

scala> sql(s"EXPLAIN $query").show(false)
|== Physical Plan ==
*(2) Project [Cabin#645, Embarked#646, max(Fare)#764]
+- *(2) Filter (isnotnull(max(Fare#644)#767) AND (max(Fare#644)#767 > 10.0))
   +- *(2) HashAggregate(keys=[Cabin#645, Embarked#646], functions=[max(Fare#644)])
      +- Exchange hashpartitioning(Cabin#645, Embarked#646, 200), true, [id=#349]
         +- *(1) HashAggregate(keys=[Cabin#645, Embarked#646], functions=[partial_max(Fare#644)])
            +- *(1) Project [Fare#644, Cabin#645, Embarked#646]
               +- *(1) Filter (isnotnull(Age#640) AND (Age#640 < 20.0))
                  +- FileScan csv [Age#640,Fare#644,Cabin#645,Embarked#646] Batched: false, DataFilters: [isnotnull(Age#640), (Age#640 < 20.0)], Format: CSV, Location: InMemoryFileIndex[file:/Users/dzlab/Downloads/spark-3.0.0-bin-hadoop2.7/titanic.csv], PartitionFilters: [], PushedFilters: [IsNotNull(Age), LessThan(Age,20.0)], ReadSchema: struct<Age:double,Fare:double,Cabin:string,Embarked:string>

The new formatted output adds tons of information that makes understanding the query execution lot easier. The output plans is divided into two sections:

scala> sql(s"EXPLAIN FORMATTED $query").show(false)
|== Physical Plan ==
* Project (8)
+- * Filter (7)
   +- * HashAggregate (6)
      +- Exchange (5)
         +- * HashAggregate (4)
            +- * Project (3)
               +- * Filter (2)
                  +- Scan csv  (1)

(1) Scan csv 
Output [4]: [Age#640, Fare#644, Cabin#645, Embarked#646]
Batched: false
Location: InMemoryFileIndex [file:/Users/dzlab/Downloads/spark-3.0.0-bin-hadoop2.7/titanic.csv]
PushedFilters: [IsNotNull(Age), LessThan(Age,20.0)]
ReadSchema: struct<Age:double,Fare:double,Cabin:string,Embarked:string>

(2) Filter [codegen id : 1]
Input [4]: [Age#640, Fare#644, Cabin#645, Embarked#646]
Condition : (isnotnull(Age#640) AND (Age#640 < 20.0))

(3) Project [codegen id : 1]
Output [3]: [Fare#644, Cabin#645, Embarked#646]
Input [4]: [Age#640, Fare#644, Cabin#645, Embarked#646]

(4) HashAggregate [codegen id : 1]
Input [3]: [Fare#644, Cabin#645, Embarked#646]
Keys [2]: [Cabin#645, Embarked#646]
Functions [1]: [partial_max(Fare#644)]
Aggregate Attributes [1]: [max#787]
Results [3]: [Cabin#645, Embarked#646, max#788]

(5) Exchange
Input [3]: [Cabin#645, Embarked#646, max#788]
Arguments: hashpartitioning(Cabin#645, Embarked#646, 200), true, [id=#392]

(6) HashAggregate [codegen id : 2]
Input [3]: [Cabin#645, Embarked#646, max#788]
Keys [2]: [Cabin#645, Embarked#646]
Functions [1]: [max(Fare#644)]
Aggregate Attributes [1]: [max(Fare#644)#781]
Results [4]: [Cabin#645, Embarked#646, max(Fare#644)#781 AS max(Fare)#782, max(Fare#644)#781 AS max(Fare#644)#785]

(7) Filter [codegen id : 2]
Input [4]: [Cabin#645, Embarked#646, max(Fare)#782, max(Fare#644)#785]
Condition : (isnotnull(max(Fare#644)#785) AND (max(Fare#644)#785 > 10.0))

(8) Project [codegen id : 2]
Output [3]: [Cabin#645, Embarked#646, max(Fare)#782]
Input [4]: [Cabin#645, Embarked#646, max(Fare)#782, max(Fare#644)#785]

All type of join hints

SPARK-27225 Extend the existing BROADCAST join hint by implementing other join strategy hints corresponding to the rest of Sparkโ€™s existing join strategies: shuffle-hash, sort-merge, cartesian-product. Broadcast-nested-loop will use BROADCAST hint as it does now.

Dynamic optimizations

Adaptive query execution

Dynamic partitioning pruning

Catalyst improvements

Enhanced nested column pruning & pushdown

Improved aggregation code generation

Infrastructure updates

New Scala and Java



โœ”๏ธ This document explained on tracking the shuffle data that is stored in these external systems. This is a sub-topic under Remote Storage for Persisting Shuffle Data !

๐Ÿ”• Shuffle primitive requires #apachespark executors to persist data to the local disk of the worker nodes. If executors crash, the external shuffle service can continue to serve the shuffle data that was written beyond the lifetime of the executor itself.

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