DeepLearning on Spark with Analytics Zoo and BigDL
22 Dec 2021 by dzlab![intel analytics zoo](
Analytics Zoo is an open source Deep Learning library. Along with BigDL, it allows to train and run Deep Learning workloads on Spark and Ray. Furthermore, this library has a Keras API which make using it very similar to using plain Keras API.
This articles shows how to use the Keras API to train and evaluate a classification model on the iris dataset. Furthermore, we will use TensorBoard to analyze training logs.
1. Add a dependency to Intel’s Analytics Zoo library which will bring in the jvm deep learning library BigDL.
libraryDependencies += "" % "analytics-zoo-bigdl_0.12.1-spark_3.0.0" % "0.9.0",
2. create a SparkSession and initialize Analytics Zoo context
val spark = SparkSession.builder().appName("analytics-zoo-demo").master("local[*]").getOrCreate()
val sc = NNContext.initNNContext(spark.sparkContext.getConf)
3. Read the raw data (in this case a CSV file containing the Iris dataset) into a Spark DataFrame
val path = getClass.getClassLoader.getResource("iris.csv").toString
val df ="header", true).option("inferSchema", true).csv(path)
4. Create a training dataset from the raw DataFrame
4.1. Define a helper function to transform each row into a Sample
instance with:
- a tensor for the raining features
"sepal_len", "sepal_wid", "petal_len", "petal_wid"
and - another tensor for the label
def prepareDataset(df: DataFrame, labelColumn: String, featureColumns: Array[String]): RDD[Sample[Float]] = {
val columns = trainDF.columns
val labelIndex = columns.indexOf(labelColumn)
val featureIndices = => df.columns.indexOf(fc))
val dimInput = featureColumns.length{row =>
val features =
val featureTensor = Tensor[Float](features, Array(dimInput))
val labelTensor = Tensor[Float](1)
labelTensor(Array(1)) = labels.indexOf(row.getString(labelIndex)) + 1
Sample[Float](featureTensor, labelTensor)
4.2. Apply the helper function on the training and validation datasets
val labels = Array("Iris-setosa", "Iris-versicolor", "Iris-virginica")
val labelCol = "class"
val featureCols = Array("sepal_len", "sepal_wid", "petal_len", "petal_wid")
val (trainDF, validDF, evalDF) = dataset.randomSplit(Array(0.8, 0.1, 0.1), 31)
val trainRDD = prepareDatasetForFitting(trainDF, labelCol, featureCols)
val validRDD = prepareDatasetForFitting(validDF, labelCol, featureCols)
val evalRDD = prepareDatasetForFitting(evalDF, labelCol, featureCols)
5. Create the model architecture by definining the list of layers and their respective activation functions.
val dimInput = 4
val dimOutput = 3
val nHidden = 100
val model = Sequential[Float]()
model.add(Dense[Float](nHidden, activation = "relu", inputShape = Shape(dimInput)).setName("fc_1"))
model.add(Dense[Float](nHidden, activation = "relu").setName("fc_2"))
model.add(Dense[Float](dimOutput, activation = "softmax").setName("fc_3"))
Note: we define the shape of the input only for the first layer, BigDL will infer the input shape for the reamining layers.
Prining the model with model.summary()
gives something like this:
Model Summary:
Layer (type) Output Shape Param # Connected to
Inputeac325c7 (Input) (None, 4) 0
fc_1 (Dense) (None, 100) 500 Inputeac325c7
fc_2 (Dense) (None, 100) 10100 fc_1
fc_3 (Dense) (None, 3) 303 fc_2
Total params: 10,903
Trainable params: 10,903
Non-trainable params: 0
6. Compile and initiate the model training
optimizer = new SGD[Float](learningRate = 0.01),
loss = CrossEntropyCriterion[Float]()
Set the directory used for storing training logs to be analyzed later with TensorBoard
model.setTensorBoard("logdir", "iris-example")
Now we can start the model training, batchSize, maxEpoch, validRDD)
During training the library will output something like this
2021-12-22T09:43:56.136-0800 level=INFO thread=main$
[Epoch 10 96/150][Iteration 48][Wall Clock 2.051005411s] Trained 32.0 records in 0.026512474 seconds. Throughput is 1206.979 records/second. Loss is 1.0808454. Sequential908171a5's hyper parameters: Current learning rate is 0.01. Current dampening is 1.7976931348623157E308.
2021-12-22T09:43:56.169-0800 level=INFO thread=main$
[Epoch 10 128/150][Iteration 49][Wall Clock 2.083434694s] Trained 32.0 records in 0.032429283 seconds. Throughput is 986.7625 records/second. Loss is 1.0327523. Sequential908171a5's hyper parameters: Current learning rate is 0.01. Current dampening is 1.7976931348623157E308.
2021-12-22T09:43:56.201-0800 level=INFO thread=main$
[Epoch 10 160/150][Iteration 50][Wall Clock 2.115638134s] Trained 32.0 records in 0.03220344 seconds. Throughput is 993.6827 records/second. Loss is 1.0637572. Sequential908171a5's hyper parameters: Current learning rate is 0.01. Current dampening is 1.7976931348623157E308.
2021-12-22T09:43:56.202-0800 level=INFO thread=main$
[Epoch 10 160/150][Iteration 50][Wall Clock 2.115638134s] Epoch finished. Wall clock time is 2119.552539 ms
7. Analyze training logs with TensorBoard
After the training finishes, TensorBoard logs will be availabile
$ tree logdir/
└── iris-example
├── train
│ └── bigdl.tfevents.1641256264.dzlab-2.local
└── validation
└── bigdl.tfevents.1641256270.dzlab-2.local
3 directories, 2 files
Make sure TensorBoard is available in your system or install it with
$ conda install -c conda-forge tensorboard
Now we can visualize the training logs
$ tensorboard --logdir=logdir/iris-example/
TensorFlow installation not found - running with reduced feature set.
NOTE: Using experimental fast data loading logic. To disable, pass
"--load_fast=false" and report issues on GitHub. More details:
Serving TensorBoard on localhost; to expose to the network, use a proxy or pass --bind_all
TensorBoard 2.7.0 at http://localhost:6006/ (Press CTRL+C to quit)
Then, visit TensorBoard UI at http://localhost:6006/
8. Evaluate the model against a hold up dataset
val evalResult = model.evaluate(evalRDD, 8)
val evalMetrics ={case (result: ValidationResult, method: ValidationMethod[Float]) =>
(method.toString(), result.result()._1.toDouble)
Printing the evaluation metrics with println(evalMetrics)
will return something like Map(Loss -> 1.0945806503295898)
9. Save to disk
We can save the model and its parameters in a binary format locally, on HDFS or on S3 simply
model.saveModule("/path/to/model", overWrite = true)
10. Load the model from disk
A saved model can be loaded again and used to run predictions
val model2 = Module.loadModule[Float]("/path/to/model")
val predictions = model2.predict(evalData, 4)