Weights & Biases is a hosted service that let you keep track your machine learning experiments, visualize and compare results of each experiment. Basically, you log the hyper-parameters used in the experiment, the metrics from the training as well as the weights of the model itself. This tool let you also share the experiment results.

Install the W&B

pip install wandb -q

Setup W&B and login to the service

import wandb


Initialize a new W&B run with your user and project names:

wandb.init(entity = "<username>", project = "<project-name>")

Initialize W&B config to saves hyperparameters and inputs of the expriment

config = wandb.config
config.batch_size = 1024
config.train_split = 0.8

Create Keras callback to log training information

wandb_callback = wandb.keras.WandbCallback(log_weights=True)

Add the callback to Keras fit() call


After training finishes, you can save the model to W&B

model.save(os.path.join(wandb.run.dir, "<model-name>.h5"))

Learn more about what you can do with W&B - link.