As prerequisite, we need to install TensorFlow Text library as follows:

pip install tensorflow_text -q

Then import dependencies

import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_hub as hub
import tensorflow_text as tftext

Download vocabulary

Download BERT vocabulary from a pretrained BERT model on TensorFlow Hub (BERT preptrained models can be found here)

bert_layer = hub.KerasLayer(BERT_URL, trainable=False)

vocab_file = bert_layer.resolved_object.vocab_file.asset_path.numpy()
do_lower_case = bert_layer.resolved_object.do_lower_case.numpy()

At this moment, the vocabulary file will be avilable at vocab_file location, and the do_lower_case flag will be indicating whether BERT pretrained model is case sensitive or not.

print(f'BERT vocab is stored at     : {vocab_file}')
print(f'BERT model is case sensitive: {do_lower_case}')

Build Tokenizer

First, we need to load the downloaded vocabulary file into a list where each element is a BERT token.

def load_vocab(vocab_file):
  """Load a vocabulary file into a list."""
  vocab = []
  with, "r") as reader:
    while True:
      token = reader.readline()
      if not token: break
      token = token.strip()
  return vocab

vocab = load_vocab(vocab_file)

Second, build a vocab lookup table using as input the created vocab list

def create_vocab_table(vocab, num_oov=1):
  """Create a lookup table for a vocabulary"""
  vocab_values = tf.range(tf.size(vocab, out_type=tf.int64), dtype=tf.int64)
  init = tf.lookup.KeyValueTensorInitializer(keys=vocab, values=vocab_values, key_dtype=tf.string, value_dtype=tf.int64)
  vocab_table = tf.lookup.StaticVocabularyTable(init, num_oov, lookup_key_dtype=tf.string)
  return vocab_table

vocab_lookup_table = create_vocab_table(vocab)

Finally, we can create a BertTokenizer instance as follows

tokenizer = tftext.BertTokenizer(


>>> tokenizer.tokenize(["the brown fox jumped over the lazy dog"])
<tf.RaggedTensor [[[1103], [3058], [17594], [4874], [1166], [1103], [16688], [3676]]]>

To learn more about TF Text check this detailed introduction - link.