OpenAI Gym is a comprehensive platform for building and testing RL strategies. It comes will a lot of ready to use environments but in some case when you're trying a solve specific problem and cannot use off the shelf environments. In this case, you can still leverage Gym to build a custom environment and this post walks through how to do it.
As an example, we will build a GridWorld environment with the following rules:
Each cell of this environment can have one of the following colors:
- BLUE: a cell reprensentig the agent
- GREEN: a cell reprensentig the target destination
- GRAY: a cell representing a wall
- RED: a cell representing a bomb
- BLACK: an empty cell
In this environment, the agent can move UP, DOWN, LEFT or RIGHT. The agent get rewarded dependening on the cell color where the move will take it:
if the agent moves into an empty cell (i.e. BLACK cell)-0.1
if the agent hits a cell containing a wall (i.e. GRAY cell)-1.0
if the agent hits a cell containing a bomb (i.e. RED cell)1.0
if the agent hits a cell containing the destinaton (i.e. GREEN cell)
The following picture depicts how the GridWorld environment looks like:
First, we need to install Gym and its dependencies to be able to use it and run it on a notebook:
apt install xvfb
pip install gym
pip install gym-notebook-wrapper
from collections import defaultdict
import copy
import sys
import numpy as np
import gnwrapper
import gym
Second, we declare the constants to represent cells type as well as the type of the agent actions:
# Grid cell state and color mapping
BOMB = RED = 3
# RGB color value table
BLACK: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
GRAY: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5],
BLUE: [0.0, 0.0, 1.0],
RED: [1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
GREEN: [0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
# Action mapping
NOOP = 0
DOWN = 1
UP = 2
LEFT = 3
We can randomly initiate a grid to use on each episode, but for simplicity we initiate the grid to the same configuration as follows:
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 2 0 0 0 0 0 1
1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1
1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1
1 0 1 4 1 0 0 1
1 0 3 0 0 0 0 1
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Then, we define the memory representation of the environment state using the following State
class State:
def __init__(self, grid_layout=DEFAULT_GRID_LAYOUT, max_steps=100):
self.grid_layout = DEFAULT_GRID_LAYOUT
self.initial_grid_state = np.fromstring(self.grid_layout, dtype=int, sep=" ")
self.initial_grid_state = self.initial_grid_state.reshape(8, 8)
self.grid_state = copy.deepcopy(self.initial_grid_state)
self.action_pos_dict = defaultdict(
lambda: [0, 0],
NOOP: [0, 0],
UP: [-1, 0],
DOWN: [1, 0],
LEFT: [0, -1],
RIGHT: [0, 1],
(self.agent_state, self.goal_state) = self.get_state()
self.done = False = {"status": "Live"}
self.step_num = 0 # To keep track of number of steps
self.max_steps = max_steps
def get_shape(self):
return self.grid_state.shape
def get_state(self):
"""Get the agent's position, as well as the goal's position
start_state = np.where(self.grid_state == AGENT)
goal_state = np.where(self.grid_state == GOAL)
start_or_goal_not_found = not (start_state[0] and goal_state[0])
if start_or_goal_not_found:
"Start and/or Goal state not present in the Gridworld. "
"Check the Grid layout"
start_state = (start_state[0][0], start_state[1][0])
goal_state = (goal_state[0][0], goal_state[1][0])
return start_state, goal_state
def reset(self):
"""Reset the grid state
self.grid_state = copy.deepcopy(self.initial_grid_state)
self.done = False["status"] = "Live"
self.step_num = 0
def is_next_state_invalid(self, next_state):
"""Check if the next agent move is invalid or not
next_state_invalid = (
next_state[0] < 0 or next_state[0] >= self.grid_state.shape[0]
) or (next_state[1] < 0 or next_state[1] >= self.grid_state.shape[1])
return next_state_invalid
def execute_action(self, action):
"""Execute the given action and calculate the reward
reward = 0.0
next_state = (
self.agent_state[0] + self.action_pos_dict[action][0],
self.agent_state[1] + self.action_pos_dict[action][1],
next_state_invalid = self.is_next_state_invalid(next_state)
if next_state_invalid:
# Leave the agent state unchanged
next_state = self.agent_state["status"] = "Next state is invalid"
next_agent_state = self.grid_state[next_state[0], next_state[1]]
# Calculate reward
if next_agent_state == EMPTY:
# Move agent from previous state to the next state on the grid["status"] = "Agent moved to a new cell"
self.grid_state[next_state[0], next_state[1]] = AGENT
self.grid_state[self.agent_state[0], self.agent_state[1]] = EMPTY
self.agent_state = copy.deepcopy(next_state)
elif next_agent_state == WALL:
# Agent hit a wall with this move["status"] = "Agent bumped into a wall"
reward = -0.1
elif next_agent_state == GOAL:
# Terminal state: goal reached["status"] = "Agent reached the GOAL "
self.done = True
reward = 1
elif next_agent_state == BOMB:
# Terminal state: agent died["status"] = "Agent stepped on a BOMB"
self.done = True
reward = -1
# NOOP or next state is invalid
self.done = False
self.step_num += 1
# Check if max steps per episode has been reached
if self.step_num >= self.max_steps:
self.done = True["status"] = "Max steps reached"
return reward, self.done,
Then, to be able to display the environment state we define the following GridRenderer
class that will be used to convert a grid into an RGB image
class GridRenderer:
def __init__(self, img_shape):
self.img_shape = img_shape
def render(self, grid_state):
observation = np.random.randn(*self.img_shape) * 0.0
scale_x = int(observation.shape[0] / grid_state.shape[0])
scale_y = int(observation.shape[1] / grid_state.shape[1])
for i in range(grid_state.shape[0]):
for j in range(grid_state.shape[1]):
for k in range(3): # 3-channel RGB image
pixel_value = COLOR_MAP[grid_state[i, j]][k]
i * scale_x : (i + 1) * scale_x,
j * scale_y : (j + 1) * scale_y,
] = pixel_value
return (255 * observation).astype(np.uint8)
Then, we define the GridworldEnv
class representing our environment by subclassesing the gym.Env
class and implementing its interface:
: executes the given Agent's action and return the rewardreset()
: resets the internal state of the environment (represented by theState
: using aGridRenderer
it renders the internal state of the environment
class GridworldEnv(gym.Env):
def __init__(self):
"""Initialize Gridworld
max_steps (int, optional): Max steps per episode. Defaults to 100.
# Observations
self.state = State()
self.observation_space = gym.spaces.Box(
low=0, high=6, shape=self.state.get_shape()
self.metadata = {"render.modes": ["human"]}
# Actions
self.actions = [NOOP, UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT]
self.action_space = gym.spaces.Discrete(len(self.actions))
self.viewer = None
self.renderer = GridRenderer([256, 256, 3])
def step(self, action):
"""Return next observation, reward, done , info"""
action = int(action)
reward, done, info = self.state.execute_action(action)
if done:
terminal_state = copy.deepcopy(self.state)
_ = self.reset()
return (terminal_state, reward, done, info)
return self.state, reward, done, info
def reset(self):
return self.state
def render(self, mode="human", close=False):
if close:
if self.viewer is not None:
self.viewer = None
grid_state = self.state.grid_state
img = self.renderer.render(grid_state)
if mode == "rgb_array":
return img
elif mode == "human":
from gym.envs.classic_control import rendering
if self.viewer is None:
self.viewer = rendering.SimpleImageViewer()
def close(self):
def get_action_meanings():
return ["NOOP", "DOWN", "UP", "LEFT", "RIGHT"]
Finally, we can use our new environment and test it with a basic agent that randomly sample an action.
grid_env = GridworldEnv()
env = gnwrapper.LoopAnimation(grid_env)
obs, done = env.reset(), False
rewards = []
# Run one episode
while not done:
# Sample a random action from the action space
action = env.action_space.sample()
next_obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
We can display the rewards collected by the agent.
Note how the eposide ended when the agent hit the bomb (i.e.
import as px
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({"reward": rewards})
fig = px.line(df, y="reward", title='Rewards over time', labels=dict(index="Step", reward="Reward"))
I hope you enjoyed this article, feel free to leave a comment or reach out on twitter @bachiirc